Re: Filipinos in Australia
Monday, October 20, 2008 11:55 PM
"Paul Mackett" <pma17523@bigpond.net.au>
"m e" <pinay_492001@yahoo.com>
You certainly have my permission.
Excerpts from Website:
Queensland Parliamentary Papers Mixed Marriages 1903 -
Queensland Parliamentary Papers -
Chief Protector of Aborigines Annual Reports
Mixed Marriages
1903 - 1908
Domingo Xeromenes, a Filipino, of good character, and many
resident at Thursday Island. Eleanor Roas, the fifteen-year-old
daughter of Raymond Roas, a Filipino, by Mary Kass, a Torres Strait
Islander (the father consenting).
Rosario, a Filipino, twenty
years resident of Thursday Island,
and of good character. Sepe, a Murray
Macario, a Filipino, of Cooktown. Maggie, of the Starcke River.
Pelay, a Filipino, eleven years'resident at Thursday Island,
and of
good character. Johanna Favian, a Filipino aboriginal half-caste
Pirmines Monmarible, Filipino, ten years resident at Thursday Island;
of good character. Margarita Maria, of Yam Island.
permission was refused in the case of:
aboriginal, of Noble Island:
Pausto Billows, Manila man,
Mary Ann, a half-caste girl, 22 years of age, to a Manila
man. Atherton.
Lavinia, a native of Yam Island, to a Manila man. Thursday Island
A. Aborigine
H.C. Half-caste
S.S.I. South Sea Islander
P.I. Pacific Islander
F.P.I. French
Pacific Island
Deborah Ruiz Wall,
‘The Pigram Brothers: a top Aboriginal
band talk about their Filipino heritage’, KASAMA Vol. 21 No. 2/April-June 2007, pp. 10-1
The Pigram Brothers, a well known seven-man band from Broome are descendants of Thomas Puertollano, a Filipino man from Mindanao who married an Aboriginal
woman in the 1880s Their great grandfather made an enormous contribution to the setting up of the Catholic
missions at Disaster Bay and Lombadina. Historian, Regina Ganter wrote… that the breakthrough for
the missionaries was based on Puertollano’s pioneering work…existing archival records with oral history obtained
from Theresa Puertollano, Thomas’ daughter… Lombadina, a property of 20,000 acres…in 1916, Fr John Creagh,
Rector of the Redemptorist Monastery in Perth…bought the land for £1100 and the lease was transferred
from Thomas Puertollano to Creagh’s brother
Where I stand, blood stains the sunburnt soil, mute witness to the cry of the oppressed, repressed,
dispossessed. Close your eyes, stand still and tune in to the requiem of the wind echoing continuing unresolved
conflict and unpaid debt.
‘Empathy key’ you shoved in my hands – is that what I need to perceive why the phantoms of
a ‘vanquished’ race make their apparition in conferences, stage walkouts to pierce our multicultural
conscience with their omnipresence?
Pray, let us not slay them once more with our word swords to nullify their blazing anger. True, history we cannot
reconstruct but must we repeatedly rape their right for a name with our ‘multicultural’ fortress to
conceal the remnants of our sins?
‘Mirror their needs’ indeed but through the looking glass of repressed history. Close your eyes, stand
still and tune in to the requiem of the wind – the woes of a people fearing a fresh invasion on an alternative
Poem by Deborah
Ruiz Wall
Philippine native; recipient
of 2004 Order of Australia Medal
Source http://cpcabrisbane.org/Kasama/2006/V20n2/PeopleOfColours.htm
Heriverto Zarcal, Filipino arr in Thursday Island, Australia 5/1892; was successful in the pearl-shell industry
in 1895; became a naturalised British subject in Queensland
in 5/1897
Lorenzo Gamboa, Sgt, Filipino w/ WW11 U.S. Army evacuated to Australia
with General Douglas MacArthur; married Joyce; a Melbourne woman & had 2 children; was discharged from the army in 1946;
became a U.S. citizen; post-war: Australian Wartime Refugees Removal Act in 1949 deported him to Philippines; was allowed
to go back to Australia after his wife lodged a complaint to the United Nations
Other resources: Keep Him my Heart play by Gary Lee (from Darwin) A Larrakia-Filipino Love Story, 1993, based on the life of Antonio Cubillo, his great-grandfather, who arrived in 1895 met and married Magdalena ‘Lily’
McKeddie, a mixed race local Larrakia woman. Antonio from Calape, Bohol was a Spanish ship
cabin boy They had ten children.
Natalie, 25, Torres Strait Islander,
born; raised in Darwin.
mother from Torres Strait, a Malaysian, Filipino, Japanese,
Portuguese and Macassan; father, a white Australian, also an Irish & Spanish, lot of family are from Thursday Island,
which is part of the Torres Strait. Music is a big part of our family and they sing and write
their own songs about living up there
Dr. PETA STEPHENSON book. The Outsiders Within about‘Asians’ and ‘Aborigines’;
history of Indigenous and Asian cross cultural union. Book order info: UNSW Press
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052
Email: orders.press@unsw.edu.au
or online at http://www.unswpress.com.au/isbn/0868408360.htm
1897 Queensland Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act,
The 1901 amendment also made it illegal for…all..‘Asiatics’
to marry an Aborigine without first getting written permission from the Aboriginal Protector..The exemption of the pearl–shelling industry from the White Australia Policy saw the arrival of thousands of Asian
indentured laborers each year in…Broome, Darwin and Thursday
Island…from Japan, China, Indonesia, West Timor, Singapore, the Philippines
In the absence of Asian women, the indentured labourers readily entered relationships with Aboriginal women…. An Aboriginal woman [the daughter of an Aboriginal
mother and Filipino father] was interned with her Japanese husband and their children at
the outset of World War II. When her husband was sent off to be imprisoned with captive troops, she was forced to remain behind
in detention with four of their children to look after, not knowing when they would be releasedher mental health deteriorated
after a few years. She was then put into a mental institution and her children were removed to a convent
Title The Mayor of Manila, Antonio J Villegas and members of the Bayanihan
Dance Company met in Melbourne
at a ceremony on 10 April 1964, to honour the memory of the first President of the Philippines, Manuel L Quezon, at the house of the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Councellor
E Leo Curtis. This was the house used during World War II by President Quezon as the seat of Government
when the Philippines were occupied by
the Japanese. A plaque on the house, which reads "Manuel Quezon, First President of the Philippines, lived here after
the fall of Corregidor, 1942", commemorates the occupation of the house by the exiled Government - Cristina Matias, a member
of the Bayanihan Dance Company, places a wreath at the plaque to commemorate the wartime role of the house and also to mark
the death of General Macarthur watched by Mrs Villegas (left), Antonio J Villegas and Mrs E L Curtis [photographic image]
/ photographer, Cliff Bottomley. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate
From: crl0309 <xxxxx> Subject: [Worldwide-Filipino -Alliance] Re: Memorial
plaque for Pinoy typhoon victims unveiled in Australia To: Worldwide-Filipino-Alliance@yahoogroups.com Date: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 11:36 PM
MANILA, Philippines - A memorial plaque dedicated to Filipinos who perished in typhoons "Ondoy" and "Pepeng"
was unveiled at the Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury, New South Wales, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said
The Philippine Consulate General in Sydney reported to the DFA that the plaque is now a permanent marker
in a section of the cemetery called the "Filipino Memorial of Christ the Risen Lord."
Consul General Eva Betita and
Invocare general manager Arman Mikaelian were present at the unveiling held during solemn rituals concelebrated by the priests
of the Filipino Chaplaincies of the Sydney and Parramatta Dioceses.
As of Nov. 15, the Filipino community in New South
Wales had donated at least A$470,000 in assistance funds, as well as over 1,400 boxes of relief goods and 21 pallets of canned
food products totaling over 26 metric tons, to the victims of the recent floods.
The Australian government gave A$3
million in relief assistance to the calamity victims.
http://www.philstar .com/Article. aspx?articleId= 530249&publicati onSubCategoryId= 63
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